Phoenix lights to withstand high winds and heavy seas on RV Virginia

Completion Date: 2019
End Customer: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Location: Ampro Shipyard & Diesel - Weems, VA

Project Details

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has been conducting coastal ocean and estuarine science for almost 80 years. This research makes VIMS a leader in education and policy advisory to students, the public and policy makers. Today it is one of the largest marine research and education centers in the country.

The Sophisticated Research Vessel
Since 1940, VIMS has utilized a number of research vessels to study the Chesapeake Bay area hoping to protect water quality and improve the health of the water. Those vessels, however, are limited in that they can’t travel beyond the bay. That is why VIMS was excited to introduce RV Virginia.

Christened in April of 2019, RV Virginia is a 93-foot, 10-million-dollar research vessel for VIMS. This is exciting and unique because this vessel was built to withstand the elements of offshore waters allowing researchers to conduct marine research spanning the entire East Coast and into the Gulf of Mexico, a huge expansion considering that previous vessels didn’t allow them to pass outside of the Chesapeake Bay.

Perimeter & Deck Lighting
It’s critical to safely light a vessel that will be sailing into conditions where high winds and heavy seas exist. Shipbuilder Meridien Maritime Reparation would need to ensure the fixtures could endure the marine environment. Designed to withstand the world’s harshest conditions is Phoenix Lighting’s ModCom 2 floodlight.  Sixteen ModCom 2 LO floodlights with a wide optic are mounted around the perimeter of the vessel. The wide flood optic allows passengers and researches proper visibility on all ship decks and generous sight lines into the water ahead. The 14,000 lumens ensure that other vessels in the area can easily see the RV Virginia. Lastly, in addition to the deck lighting, four of the Modcom 2 fixtures line the vessel’s A-frame for safe loading for the over-the-stern lifting operations.

Lighting for Small Spaces
For the vessel’s tighter corners, both on the deck and in the cabin areas, 30 of Phoenix Lighting’s Cube-Lights are installed throughout. Each Cube-Light delivers up to 1,000 lumens and is low profile for tight spaces; plus, various mounting options allow for the fixture to be installed in a variety of places for optimal lighting. And of course, because RV Virginia is designed to withstand heavy seas, the Cube-lights are IP66 and can survive shock and vibration.

The RV Virginia is bound for groundbreaking coastal research. To learn more and see the full specs, click here.


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